"Save Our Children"

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Save Our Children"

     As part of the requirements of my job I am sometimes ask to go to different sites such as schools, churches, and different community events to present the program my job offers. The organization I am employed by focuses on the health disparities that are plaguing the lives of African American youth. Right now HIV/AIDS is one of the biggest issues African Americans are facing. We work on educating our youth on ways of preventing themselves from becoming exposed to this life threatening illness.
     I am very proud of the work I do, and because I am well on may way to becoming a community leader in the area in which I live I try to think of ways to empower our youth. As I mentioned earlier this job offers me opportunities that I may not have had if I wasn't part of this health disparity program. One of the last events I attended focused on ways the community as a whole can "Save Our Children". One idea that definitely stuck out to me was the idea of a round table. As I understood it the premise is to bring together a group of youth in a relaxed/informal setting and let them educate themselves and adults on what they feel is needed for them to productively thrive in their community.
     One way feedback can be exchanged between youth and adults is from time to time community, religious leaders, and/or reformed citizens can be invited to be a part of the round table. They will be able to ask each other questions to gain insight on how to handle problems that are present in their community (i.e. gangs, drugs, teen pregnancy, unprotected sex, and bullying just to name a few).
    At each round table they can pick different topics to be discussed. The topics are chosen by means of an anonymous box. How the anonymous box works is at the end of each round table youth will have an opportunity to place suggestions or issues they are going through in a box without their names on it. Prior to the next round table meeting I will put together an agenda around the ideas that where placed in the box from the previous box. That way the youth that needs assistance with an issue he/she is having can get help from the group by remaining anonymous.

    The round table is an excellent idea and way to get kids to find resolution to issues they are facing day to day. As an adult I only want the best for our children, but honestly I'm not the one going through what they are, therefore I feel it's our responsibility as a community to help empower our children with the tools they will need to tackle whatever they come up against and a round table is a good way of doing that. I encourage everyone to try to do something like this in their own communities, because "kids can't do better, unless they know better"!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Don't Get Her Started!

     "What in the H E double hockey sticks is wrong with you woman!" is what I wanted to say to my mom when discussing my younger years. Okay folks let me explain first and formost my mom is, to say the least, very extra. Everything is always handle in an urgent manner. Whether its not remembering her birthday or simply leaving the door slightly open. My mother makes everything seem as if it's a national disaster. Honestly to most that knows her she seems just plain crazy or mean, mind you she only stands about 5ft. 2in and weighs about 200 pounds and balding, but yet she still is able to make most walk in the other direction when they spot her coming!
     Anyway back to the point. One day my mom (Louise) and I were sitting in her living room and I brought up me not having many baby pictures. From there she started talking about the day she went into labor with me. She went into graphic step by step details of her whole ordeal that cold day in January. As I listened to tell me how she walked from house to house bleeding and crying, begging someone to help her. I suddenly realized I heard this story before, its the same story she told when speaking about my brothers birth. So before I could allow my mother to continue on with what was obviously some gerneric birth story, I stopped her. "Mom" I said "are you sure that you aren't confused, that sounds a lot like Terry's birth story" I said. Well before I could even finish, she threw her hands in the air waving them all about and screaming to the top of her lungs about how young and scared she was being pregnant with her second child at nineteen. And she was more focused on what was happening in her life to remember every detail of the day I was born. Then she started yelling at me saying how she knows I forget stuff all the time, like the time I forgot to take her shopping, even though I know she always go on Mondays or how I missed her solo at church cause I forgot! And the whole time she ranting and raving I'm standing there looking at her like WTFreak! Thinking to myself what in the hell did I say to get all of this started? So I am just standing there asking my mom to calm down or I will leave and go home...but she just would not shut up! Finally I say to her "all I ask you was do you have any baby pictures of me, so that I can get copies made to give to my sons" and just like that  she calmed herself down and went to retrieve a picture from under her mattress. As she handed it to me she sweetly reminded me not to forget to bring it back because its her favorite baby picture of me! And to that folks all I can say is Louise, Louise, Louise...my mom...don't get her started I swear!